Person Sheet

Name Salvatore A. Bosco
Birth 10 Sep 1913, Lentini, Sicily
Death 12 Oct 2000, San Jose, California
Occupation Chef
Father Alfio (Alfred) Bosco (-<1925)
Mother Concetta Narzisi (1890-1953)
1 Louise Noceda
Children Alfred
Connie L.
Notes for Salvatore A. Bosco
My Uncle Sam, my mother's half-brother. I wonder if his middle name was Alfio/Alfred.

According to his obituary, he came to the US at age 7, from Sicily. He was a chef by trade; a WWII army veteran.

Also per obit: "great-grandfather of September and Salvatore"; I don't know whose kids these are.

5/11/2001: Ellis Island records indicate he arrived from Palermo, Sicily, on 9 Feb 1921 aboard the Providence, at age 6; also indicates residence was Lentini, Sicily.

Birthdate per Social Security Death Index, 5/2001.

7/6/01: In a conversation with my Aunt Louise Bosco this evening, she told me that Sam always said his birthday was 9/13/1913, but that "when we got his birth certificate," it said 9/10/1913. I don't know when or why they "got" his birth certificate.
Last Modified 8 Jun 2003 Created 31 Jul 2003 using Reunion for Macintosh

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