Regarding Nathaniel Gardner Reynolds

Nathaniel Gardner Reynolds, my great-great-great grandfather, was a founder and prominent figure in the early days of Whiteside County and Prophetstown, Illinois. Here are a few historical accounts from those days, one a pretty entertaining biographical sketch, the other having to do with the county and village in which he lived, and which mention him (and sometimes my great-great grandfather, Phineas Bates Reynolds) at least in passing.

From, posted by the late Bob Mosher. I have added paragraph breaks for legibility.

From the Bent-Wilson History of Whiteside Co., IL published 1877

NATHANIEL G. REYNOLDS was born in Hancock, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, in 1794, and came to Prophetstown in 1835. From a biography of his life, written several years before his death, we gather the following facts: In 1796, his parents moved to St, Armands, Lower Canada, where they remained until 1809, when they returned to Massachusetts. Soon afterwards Mr. Reynolds was indentured to Deacon Levi Clarke, of Lanesborough, Massachusetts, to learn the business of tanning, and making shoes. In 1812 he was drafted in the State Militia, but as Gov. Strong refused to place the Militia under United States officers, he enlisted in 1813 as Sergeant in the 40th Regiment, and served during the war, being honorably discharged at Boston, in 1815.

In 1816, he went to Genesee county, New York, and took a sawmill on shares, where he sawed lumber for a shop and tan vats, and commenced work at his trade. He also superintended the opening of the road from Warsaw to Buffalo, through a dense wilderness. In 1820 he moved to Black Rock, near Buffalo, and built the second tannery in the latter place, conducting it for five years, and then disposed of it to good advantage and went to Aurora, Erie county, New York. He remained at Aurora, working at his trade, erecting buildings, and selling goods, until October, 1835, when he started for the then far West.

The balance of the biography we give in his own language, as it relates more particularly to his life while a resident of 'Whiteside county, and to incidents similar to those experienced by many of the old settlers. He says, "I came with my family, consisting of my wife and five children, from Buffalo to Detroit by water, and from thence to Chicago by team over roads as bad as one could possibly want to see. From Chicago to Rock river my road was an Indian trail, and for the last forty-four miles before reaching Prophetstown, I crossed the prairie without a road, and not a house in sight, my only guide being the lone tree. The weather was inclement, and crossing the sloughs very difficult. In most cases we had to swim the streams, but we finally reached a cabin near my destination, where we were made happy with refreshments, and a fire, and had a good night's rest on the soft side of a hewn plank. Three days afterwards I returned for the wagons which I was compelled to leave at a slough; camped out during the night, and returned the next day all right. This was in November, and the cold had increased, with a fair prospect of winter setting in. Here I was with five horses, one yoke of oxen, and seven dollars in cash, but no hay, grain, or provisions, except what we had in the wagons, nearer than seventy miles, and no roads or bridges on the way. Knoxville was the Egypt for us, it being the nearest point where provisions could be obtained, and for that land of corn I started with my teams, one of my neighbour acting as pilot.

"We swam Green river, Edwards river, Big and Little Page creeks, and arrived safe, but on account of high water could not return with any load until the water fell. We were weather bound for thirteen days. In that time I exchanged one span of horses for such things as I wanted. In the mean time ten men with teams, on the same errand as our- selves, joined us, their company being very acceptable. We loaded up and started, making quite a respectable caravan. It was eighteen miles to the first house or cabin. We crossed the two creeks without difficulty, although the weather was excessively cold. Edwards river had so fallen in consequence of the freeze that we thought we could ford it, but the banks were so steep and frozen that one pair of horses or oxen could not hold our loads down nor draw them up on the other side, so we coupled six yoke of oxen together and made fast to the hind axle with sufficient length of chain, and thus eased the load down into the stream. Then we took the cattle across, and drew the loads up the other bank. In that way we succeeded in getting all our loads across safely, except mine. In raising the bank with it, and when about half way up, the cattle broke the chain, and my wagon run back and upset the load into the river. We soon righted the wagon, and I jumped into the river and collected my load, which was principally in barrels. I offered a good price for help, but the parties refused, and advised me to let the load go down stream, as I would get my death by such exposure, but I could not spare the articles. I floated them to the shore, put a chain around them, and run a pole through, when those on the bank, with my help in the rear, pulled them up, and loaded them again, when we went on. It was three and a half hours from the time I went into the water before I reached a fire and what is somewhat remarkable, I did not freeze in any part, while every one on the bank were frozen, some of them badly.

"We succeeded, however, in getting along after that, but had often to put all the teams forward of one wagon. When we came to Green river we had to unload, and take our stuff over in a trough, or canoe; swim our teams, and fasten a rope to our wagons, and pull them over as a seine is hauled. Then we had good going on the prairie, as the sloughs were all frozen solid. We arrived home well and hearty, having been absent twentyone days in going seventy-five miles and back. I found thirteen out of nineteen in our cabin down with the measles, with no doctor within thirty miles, but all lived and got smart soon.

"Troubles did not come singly, for in a day or two I broke my wagon tire, and had to load it in another wagon and take it to Naperville, a distance of one hundred miles, to be mended, and get my horses shod, it being the nearest shop I could get to without swimming. It happened well enough, as I got a good price for bringing a load back from Chicago. There was a heavy emigration that winter, and in the spring of 1836 provision were scarce; and commanded a high price, flour from $16.50 to $20, per barrel; pork 18 3/4 cents per Ib. or $32 per barrel. In 1837, I was chosen President of the Rock River Land Claim Association, and the Society no doubt prevented a number of law suits, and claim fights. In the fall I was elected Justice of the Peace.

"At the organization of the County of Whiteside, in 1839, I was elected one of the County Commissioners, and in 1840 was appointed Deputy Marshal, and took the census of the county, the Marshal stating that my returns were the most correct of any Deputy in the district. In 1842 I was elected Justice of the Peace, and in 1847 appointed Colonel of the 103d Regiment Illinois Militia, and commissioned by Gov. French. In 1849, was elected Judge of the County Court of Whiteside, and Justice of the Peace in Prophetstown for four years, and in 1853 I was again elected Judge of the County Court for the term of four years.

"So much for the offices. I am now, and have been for several years, a thorough going Temperance man. I have said in the fore part of this brief sketch, that I moved to Rock river in November, 1835. I omitted to mention that I came out here in June, and made a claim. There were only three cabins then within a distance of a hundred miles I drew up a petition for a postoffice, to be called Prophetstown Postoffice, and got four residents and three travelers to sign it. I then went back for my family with as much speed as possible, fearing some one would come and "jump" my claim, as it was called. I have also said that provisions were high, but as soon as I began to have a surplus everything was on the decline. Still I kept on breaking and improving for five years, until I had one hundred and thirty acres under cultivation, and considerable stock. Since I have been in Illinois I have been engaged in agriculture and in the improvement of horses, cattle, and hogs, which will long be remembered by the inhabitants of Whiteside county, some of whom know that I came here poor. I have had rather an up hill road to travel, yet I have plenty of this world's goods to make me and mine comfortable to the end of life."

Mr. Reynolds moved to Sterling about the year 1860, and died there January 21, 1865. He was married July 13, 1819, to Miss Phebe B. Brace. The children all live in Prophetstown, and are: P. Bates, who married Miss Polly Smith, and after her death married Miss Elizabeth May; Orpha, wife of Edward S. Gage; Amanda, wife of Edson Smith; Linus, who married Miss Sarah Conner; Clark, who married Miss Amanda Conner. The three brothers are engaged in the occupation of farming, are enterprising, thorough men, and stand high in the community. P. Bates has filled various town offices-has been township Treasurer for a number of years, for the last two years Supervisor of Prophetstown, and is Chairman of the present Board of Supervisors of Whiteside county, a position which he ably fills.


Prophetstown Village

Originally published 1885
Chapman Bros.
Chicago, IL

Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin
Tampico Area Historical Society


This beautiful and somewhat noted town is located on the picturesque banks of Rock River, and surrounded by a rich agricultural country. It as incorporated by act of the Legislature March 10, 1859, and the territory now embraced by it may be more particularly described as the southeast fractional quarter of section 32 in township 20, range 5; the southwest half of the southwest fractional quarter of section 33, same range and township; the northwest fractional quarter of section 4, township 19, range 5, and the northeast fractional quarter of section 5, township 19, range 5, east of the fourth principal meridian. This was declared to be the limits of the village of Prophetstown.

The first election was held for selecting village officers April 4, 1859. Andrew J. Fuller, Elias C. Hutchinson, John H. Warner, Albert G. Porter, Edward S. Dickinson, were elected Trustees, and W. T. Minchen, Clerk; Andrew J. Fuller was chosen President of the Board of Trustees.

The town is well laid out, with wide streets, which are shaded by fine large trees. This village was originally platted in 1838, and was distinguished by having among its proprietors the great Webster. Its platters were George W. Campbell, Daniel Webster, Asa Crook, Dixon B. Morehouse, James Craig, Erastus Nichols and Jabez Warner. This plat included that of the present village lying north of Main Street. It is not remembered by any of the early settlers that the great American statesman ever visited the village, or that he was ever pecuniarily benefitted for the use of his name. It was undoubtedly put in to give the town a â??send-off,â?� and create what would now be called a real-estate â??boom.â?�

This town was called in early days the Prophetâ??s Village, and it was here that Wa-bo-Kies-Shiek, or White Cloud, commonly called the Prophet, had his home with his tribe. He was a son of a chief of the Sac and Fox tribes, but was connected with the Winnebagoes by marriage, having tow of their women for his wives. He is reported to have been a splendid specimen of the Indian race. He was tall and dignified in his movements, possessing an intelligence far beyond his race. His face had something of the Grecian cast, and his mind and character was more that of a student than that of an uncivilized Indian warrior. He became one of the most distinguished chiefs of the Winnebagoes and was the right arm of Black Hawk during the Black Hawk War of 1832, being constantly with him until its close, which ended at the battle of Bad Ax. It is hard to realize that this pleasant, quiet village was the theater of hostile operations during this war. It was to this place that Black Hawk, after organizing at Sac Village,marched with all his forces and formed his camp. The Prophet, through his marriage with a friendly tribe, and his associations with the early settlers - particularly with Col. Henry Gratiot, Agent of the Winnebagoes, and his family - was disposed to be on amicable relations with the white settlers. He had not that bitter, vindictive spirit in his heart against the white man that Black Hawk had; but when the war broke out he did all in his power to make the Indian cause successful. He was in reality an enemy in war and in peace a friend. (See biography and portrait of White Cloud in the biographical portion of this book)

Daniel Crocker opened the first store in Prophetstown, which was in the spring of 1836. It was in a log cabin near the bank of the river. He did a thriving business, selling to Asa Crook alone $1000 worth of goods in one year. Alanson Smith has the credit of erecting the first frame building, which was in the summer of 1838, and was located near the river. It remained there until 1875, when it was removed. Asa Crook opened the first tavern in 1836. It was a double log cabin, but itâ??s roof gave shelter to may a pioneer who otherwise would have had nothing but the canopy of heaven above him. A.J. Mattson started the second store, and was the first Justice of the Peace. He is still honored by his fellow townsmen with this position. The first wedding in this village was the marriage of Isaac C. Southard and Almira B. Hill.

Settlement was made on the site of this village when it was in the precinct of Prophetstown wit a view of forming a town. About the year 1845 an attempt was made by Col. Seely and others to establish the town on what is now section 1, Portland Township. Quite a number of buildings were put up there, and among these was a hotel building. This project was a failure, and Prophetstown grew right along. The hotel building that as put up in prospective village of Portland was afterwards moved over to Prophetstown and forms now a part of the Seely House.

After repeated failures to have a railroad to put the town in communication with the railway world, a road was finally constructed by the aid of the towns along the line, which was called the Mendota & Clinton Railroad, and is now a branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. The first train of cars came into the village March 8, 1871. The town has since steadily grown, and now has a population of about 1,000 souls. There are many beautiful dwelling-houses in the village and substantial business blocks. Where the savage once pitched his tent, and held his council of war: where the Indian war-whoop, with its ominous piercing cry, was once heard, there is now a thriving village, the inhabitants of which are devoted to industrial pursuits and the arts of civilization.


The people of Prophetstown have secured for the education of their children a good graded school with a very excellent corps of teachers. In 1882 they erected a new school building, at a cost of $12,000, furniture $300. It is a large two-story building constructed of brick, with four apartments, which are heated by a furnace. Seating capacity, about 240. Total enrollment of pupils for the past year was 220; average enrollment, 168; average attendance, 143. The school is divided into eleven grades, each representing one yearâ??s work. The school has a regular course of study, embracing all the English branches and the natural sciences. The pupils in general are superior in intelligence and earnest in their studies. The progress made in the primary department in writing, mapping and drawing was remarkable. This school is under good discipline. There appears to be a sympathy between teacher and pupil, which is the basis of government. Will J. Johnston is Principal; Grammar Department, Miss Anna L. Bastian; Intermediate, Miss Mary E. Cabot; Primary, Mrs. W. J. Johnston.


Prophetstown has an excellent newspaper to represent its interests. The PROPHETSTOWN SPIKE is an eight-column folio paper, published every Saturday by A.D. Hill, who is editor and proprietor. It was established in September, 1871, by A.D. Hill and Charles Bent. The former bought out Mr. Bentâ??s interests in 1872. In 1878 he sold out to J. W. Olmstead, who published it a while and then sold to another party. In May, 1883, Mr. Hill repurchased the paper, and has since been sole owner. In politics the SPIKE is Republican, and has a good circulation. It is a well edited, bright and newsy paper.


Methodist Episcopal Church - This society was formed in 1836, at the residence of Nathaniel G. Reynolds. There were only five members at the first organization, and only class services were held for some time. Later on they preaching from the mission service, and held their meetings in the school-house. In 1860 they erected a church building, which was the first in the town It as erected under the administration of Rev. M. Lewis, to whom its final completion was due. This society has continued its services regularly since its building was completed. A pastor is a present in charge, and the church is fairly prosperous.


Prophetstown Lodge No. 293, A.F. and A.M.. - Dispensation was granted for the organization of this lodge Oct. 7, 1838. Wm. T. Minchen received from the Grand Lodge the appointment as Master. The first meeting was held Oct. 16, 1858. In 1868 the lodge bought a lot, and in September following they voted in favor of building a hall. This was completed, and Dec. 10, 1868, was dedicated. Deputy Grand Master James C. Luckey was master of ceremonies, assisted by Past Masters John Rugles, Jr., Wm. Frasier and I.G. Burbank. The building cost about $3,000, and the furniture and equipments $1,000. This society has an elegant hall, and is in a prosperous condition. In connection with the hall they have a dining-room and kitchen, with all the necessary cooking utensils, and also table furniture for an extensive banquet. The lodge is out of debt, and has money at interest. Present Master, H.A. Sturtevant, with a membership of 87.

Prophetstown Chapter, No. 174, R.A.M., was organized under dispensation Dec. 23, 1875, and was chartered Oct. 26, 1876, by M.S. Bowman, of Sterling. Silas Sears was the first High Priest, and HR. Kent is the present. This chapter has 61 members and is prosperous.

Sinnissippi Lodge, No. 508, I.O.O. F., was instituted in 1873, with Silas Sears as N.G. This society has a good, large hall, which they own. The hall is very neatly furnished and equipped. The walls are decorated with emblematic representations, denoting the different degrees and their significance. These were made by C.N. Stevens, and are very artistic as well as ingenious in their construction. The lodge also has a good organ. A fine engraving of Schuyler Colfax (who established the Rebekah order) hangs at the head of the hall. They hold regular meetings and are in a prosperous condition. Present N.G., C.H. Gould.

Tidal Wave Rebekah Lodge, No 119 - This society was organized Nov. 20, 1883. Mrs. Alice Daily was the first N.G. They have 50 members, and meet in the Odd Fellows Hall. The present N.G. is Mrs. Cora L. Emory.


Whiteside County, Illinois
History of Prophetstown Township
Maintained by Dana Fellows

History of Prophetstown Township

From Bent-Wilson History Book, 1877

Prophetstown township originally formed a part of Crow Creek Precinct, and in March, 1837, when Whiteside county was attached to Ogle county, was by the County Commissioners of that county included, together with all the territory in the county south of Rock river, in a precinct called Prophetstown. Upon a petition being presented, the Commissioners in March, 1838, changed the name of the precinct to that of Portland, to embrace the same territory. This remained the name until 1840, when the precinct was divided into three precincts, called Rapids, Prophetstown, and Portland. Prophetstown precinct then embraced the present township and the western half of Hume and Tampico, and so continued until 1850, when the county having adopted the township organization law, Commissioners were appointed to give names and boundaries to townships. The Commissioners at this time gave the name of Prophetstown to so much of the present township as lies in town 20, range 5, and the name of Washington to so much of the township as now lies in town 19, range 5. This election proving void, the county held another election in 1851, and a second time voted favorably upon the question of township organization, and Commis­sioners appointed for the purpose of again giving names and boundaries to town­ships, gave the name of Prophetstown to so much of the present township as lies in town 20, range 5, and the name of Volney to that part in town 19,range 5. In a short time, however, the name of Volney was dropped, and the name of Proph­etstown applied to the township as it now exists. The present township comprises all of Congressional township 19 north, range 5 east, and all that part of Congressional township 20 north, range 5 east, as lies south of Rock river. The Township contains 30,191 acres of land, being considerably in excess of any other township in the county. The general surface of the land is level, and the soil exceedingly rich and fertile. It has less timber land than Portland, its groves being one on the river bottom opposite Lyndon, one above Prophetstown, one at Woodward?s bluff on section 29, Hill?s grove, on Washington street, and some small ones on the school section. There is a deposit of mineral paint on section 17, but it has not yet been worked.

The township was early known as being the home of the Prophet, a noted Indian chief of the Winnebago tribe, his habitation being near where the vil­lage of Prophetstown now stands. His village was called Prophet?s Town. A portrait of this celebrated Indian, from the original painting by Geo. Catlin, was presented to the people of Whiteside county, at the city of Morrison, Wednesda­y, October 24, 1877, by Hon. Elihu B. Washburne, late United States Minister to France. The Indians had several villages along the banks of Rock river in the vicinity of the Prophet?s Town, as the stream afforded an abundance of fish, their favorite food. One of these villages was situated at the mouth of Walk­er?s slough, one at the mouth of Coon creek, and another on the bottom near the present railroad bridge. Their corn was raised on the river bottoms, and cultivated with rude hoes. At each successive year they pulled up the old stalks, and dropped in the seed, so that by continued hilling their corn fields became very rough, and can be easily seen to this day thickly set with blue grass where they have been undisturbed. The location was a beautiful one, and it is no wonder the Indians were averse to leaving it. Rock river, with its clear sparkling water, stretching away to the north and northwest, nearly encircling the ox-bow, the beautiful groves along Coon creek, the rolling prairie to the south, which afforded admirable hunting ground for deer, and the rich, warm soil that yielded plentifully to their rude culture, all combined to make it indeed an Indian paradise. The Prophet?s Town became particularly noted during the Black Hawk war, and at its close it was one of the first places settled by the white man.

On the 4th of June, 1834, Asa Crook and his fami1y, consisting of his wife, four sons and five daughters, and Norman and Alexander Seely, arrived at the mouth of Coon creek, and made a claim where Wm. A. Taylor?s farm now is. About the same time Samuel A. McClure located at the mouth of Walker's slough. McClure sold out that fall to John W. Stakes, and moved to Dixon where he kept tavern for a time, but at present nothing can be ascertained concerning him. Mr. Crook lived in his wagon for three weeks, and then made a lodge, covering it with hickory bark, in which he lived all summer. In the fall he erected a log house, calling in his neighbors, the Indians, to assist at the raising. Mr. Crook had come early in May on an exploring tour, and then went back. On his return he passed through Knox county where he hired one Benjamin Brown to come up and do some breaking. This was done and a piece planted to sod corn. The Indians were quite numerous, but friendly. Their chief was called ?The Crane.? John W. Stakes and wife arrived on the 14th of September. It is claimed that McClure, whose claim he had bought, had built a small ferry boat which could take a wagon or a span of horses across the river. It is certain that Stakes did some ferrying the next year at his place, and sort of ferry was kept there for sometime. John Bowman, a brother of Stakes, came with them. Alfred Weed, and John Champine, a half breed Canadian, were also there that fall. Reuben Ammidon and Edwin Wright also and made claims, but did not stay.

Early in 1835 a man by the name of Amos Gordon made a claim near Joseph W. Hill?s present farm on Washington street, and put up a cabin of cherry logs , but upon the arrival of William Hill in the fall, with his large family, sold out for $100, went to Green river, and after living there for a time, moved to Moline, Illinois, where he yet resides. N.. G. Reynolds came in November of this year, with his family, having made his claim in June previous. J. Sperry Johnson, Alonzo Davis, Marvin Frary, Charles Atkinson, and Harry Smith, also came this year. These were all the parties who settled in the present limits of Prophetstown, in 1835, but the histories of Prophetstown and Portland are so interwoven that it is difficult to always give proper credit. The Hills, N. G. Reynolds, Alonso Davis, Marvin Frary, and J. Sperry Johnson, have, however, alway been identified with Prophetstown. Charles Atkinson only wintered here, went to what is now Cleveland, Henry county, where he opened a store, and lived for several years, and then settled in Moline, Rock Island county. He is one of the principal men of that city, being President of the Water Power Company, and otherwise identified with its interests. N. G. Reynolds settled west of the village on Geo. B. Quigley?s present farm; the Hills on Washington street, and Marvin Frary on the present Ellithorpe place near the Portland line. An election was held in August, 1835, the first at which the settlers ted. The polls were held at the house Am Crook, with Norman B. Seely, Asa Crook, and a Dr. Baker, who lived in Henry county, on the Rook Island road, Judges of Election, and P. B. Besse and Alfred Wood, Clerks. Fifteen votes were cast, and Asa Crook and Dr. Baker elected Justices of the Peace, Alfred Wood, Constable, and Geo. Charles, who lived near Knoxville, in Knox county, Surveyor. The returns were sent to Knox county, as Prophetstown and Port­land were then a part of Henry county which was attached to Knox for judicial purposes. Reuben Ammidon and Edwin Wrigth came back during the summer of 1835, and settled on their claim adjoining the present village of Prophets­town, but afterwards sold to the Warners. Harry Smith made the first settle­ment on Benton Street, on what is now known as the Edwin Cox farm.

In January, 1836, Isaac Colin Southard came and made his home with Mr. William Hill, whom he rewarded soon after by marrying his only daughter. Lewis Brown, Edwin Sage and Johnson E. Walker also came the same year, the former making a claim on Washington street, and the two latter on Jackson street. The people of Prophetstown at a very early day called their roads ?streets.? The road to Sterling was called Jackson street; the Geneseo road Washington street; and the one which was afterwards opened directly south of the village, Benton street-names which they still retain. In the spring of 1836 James Knox, Sr., started the Prophetstown ferry, at about its present location, making it the oldest ferry in the county. The boat was pulled across the river for some time. Daniel Crocker came from Galena, during the year, with a small stock of goods, and opened a store in a log cabin on the bank of the river, to which he afterwards added a sort of frame building, made of hewn timber, and covered it with split clapboards. This was probably the first store in the county. The 4th of July was duly celebrated in 1836, at Asa Crook?s, about fifty persons being present, and was the first celebration of the kind in the county.

In 1837 considerable additions were made to the town. John Farnum, William T. Minchin, the Olmsteads, and Harry Brown, settled on Washington street, and Erastus Nichols, Ethan Nichols, Freeman J. Walker, and William H. McKenzie, on Jackson street. On the first of June, Jabez Warner, with his two sons, came up Rock river on a flat boat, bringing a stock of goods, and stopped at Prophetstown. Mr. Crocker having then just left the place, taking his goods with him. Mr. Warner moved his goods into the same building, and formed a copartnership with Simon Page, after which the stock of goods was increased. The Indians were quite plenty that year, and, between them and the whites, Warner & Page did considerable business. Blackhawk?s youngest daughter purchased her wedding outfit of Mr. Warner, unless she lied about it, which is not at all probable of an Indian. Page sold out to Warner the next year, and when last heard from was living in California. Mr. Warner did not replenish his stock, and soon commenced farming. Jabez Warner and family were a great acquisition to the town, and there has not been an event of any importance in the history of Prophetstown in which their influence has not been felt. Mr. Warner brought the rest of his family early in 1838. He boarded in 1837 with his brother, John S. Warner, who came in June of that year, and was the first white man with a family that settled on the present village plot. John S. Warner afterwards attempted to take out a pre-emption, but, as a town had been laid out on the land, it was not granted.

In 1838 David Woodward made the first settlement at Woodward?s Bluff. Stephen Crook, who had made his claim the previous year, settled across Coon creek on the Sterling road. Robert Smith settled near Jefferson Corners, on a claim made the year before. Frederick Dwight, who had the year before purchased a claim of Asa Crook for $2,000, arrived and commenced improving it. He bought the claim of Marvin Frary, and opened one of the finest farms in the county, upon which he planted large orchards. Mr. Dwight was a single man of considerable means, which he employed freely in improvements. 1840 he built a large house, which was burned in 1847. Mr. Dwight accompanied Fremont on his first Rocky Mountain trip, and is now living in Springfield, Massachusetts. His farm in Prophetstown is owned by Earl S. Ellithorpe. Anthony J. Mattson came in June, 1838, and worked for the first ten years after his settlement at his trade, that of carpenter and joiner. Since then he has been the moving spirit of every public enterprise of the place, and it is his untiring exertions, perhaps, more than to those of any other man, that Prophetstown is today indebted for its prosperity. For the past twenty years he has been the projector and chief actor in every railroad enterprise which had Prophetstown for an objective point. The winter set in early in 1838. On the 30th of November, Robert Smith and Stephen Crook killed a cow and took it to Dixon ferry for sale. When they started for home night was coming on, and a light fall of snow had obscured the track, so that they missed their way and took the Peoria trail. After they had got well out on the prairie, they discovered their mistake, and struck across towards Hawley?s Point. When they came to the creek it was found partly frozen, and, in endeavoring to get across lost one of their horses, and became thoroughly drenched themselves. It seems that the people at Dixon had become alarmed about them, as the weather had turned extremely cold, and the next morning started on their track. When they reached the wagon both Mr. Smith and Mr. Crook were found frozen, and it was with considerable difficulty that they could be taken back. They finally managed to catch the remaining horse, an with its aid drew the wagon to a house. Crook was dead when found, while Smith lived to be taken home but died in a day or two afterwards. Mr. Crook left a large family, and Mr. Smith a wife and two children.

In the early days of the settlement there were no mills near by to grind wheat and corn, necessitating the settlers to resort to hand mills when they wanted flour or corn meal. Neither were these mills very plenty. An incident in connection with the trouble in getting corn ground at that time is related by Mrs. Stowell, formerly Annette Nichols. She at one time carried a half bushel of corn on her back to Sampson Ellithorpe?s, to be ground, Mr. Ellithorpe being the happy possessor of a hand mill. After she had transformed the corn into meal, she took Earl Ellithorpe, then about two years old, on one shoulder, the meal on the other, a small babe in her arms, and with the other child a little girl, now Mrs. Dr. Donaldson, of Morrison, hanging to her dress, crossed the creek on a fallen log. It needed a strong nerve and a steady one to perform. that feat, and our pioneer mothers had both. Buckwheat ground in a common coffee-mill, and baked into a cake, was also a staple diet. Grain however, was plenty, and potatoes excellent, the old Nerchannocks being the favorite variety, so that with appetites such as ague only can create, the settlers did not mind the quality as much as they did the quantity. There were not a great many arrivals in 1839. W. F. Van Norman, Alex. Thompson, and William Thompson made claims on Jackson street, and Stephen B. Smith settled on Washington street. Considerable sickness prevailed that season, and in August Ethan Nichols died. A very extensive prairie fire swept over the country that fall, which, at one time, threatened the destruction of the settlements, but by great exertions they were saved. The prairie fires in those days were very alarming, endangering life in many instances. In 1836 Charles Atkinson and his wife, while crossing the prairie south of Prophetstown, were overtaken by a fire, and, to save their lives, Mr. Atkinson tried to start a back fire by means of powder. In the attempt his powder-flask exploded, destroying two of his fingers. He, however, succeeded in saving the lives of himself and wife, and also those of his horses.

In 1840, Erastus G. Nichols finished a saw-mill on Coon creek. The mill was first commenced in 1837 by Asa Crook, but Nichols and Alanson Stowell were soon engaged with him. A race was dug about a mile and a half long. but as no level was taken it was found that the water would not run through it. A dam was then built by Nichols. The mill did some sawing during the spring freshets, but was a disastrous speculation to all concerned, about $8,000 being sunk in the operation.

In 1841, Job Dodge and A. T. Wiggins, who had been selling goods at Portland, moved their store-building and goods to Prophetstown, locating the building about where the rear end of Baldwin?s brick store now is. It was a small, one story structure, and was used for a store most of the time after its removal to Prophetstown until 1871, when it gave way to the present fine block. Wiggins died a year or two afterwards, but Dodge continued trading there until 1848. In connection with the store he also engaged quite exten­sively for most of the time in packing pork, using some years $25,000 in the business. Prices varied from 75 cents to $2.50 per hundred for dressed hogs, and at one time rose to $4 and $5 per hundred, but these were decidedly extra prices. He marketed first at St. Louis, shipping his pork by the way of Albany. After the completion of the Illinois and Michigan canal he hauled mostly to Peoria, and shipped to Chicago. Quite a large amount of pork was also taken to the lead mines at Galena. N. G. Reynolds used to relate an incident which occurred in his experience in hauling pork to that place, in 1843. He had fat­tened one hundred hogs, and taken them to Galena to sell. The town was full of Irishmen who seeing he had a large lot of pork, commenced to "bear" the market. The leader approached with the inquiry, ?Sthranger, and what de yez ax for yer pork?? ?One dollar and seventy-five cents a hundred,? answered Reynolds. ?Och, mon,? replied Pat, ?1 saw as foine a lot as ye iver put your eyes on, sold last Saturday for six bits, but as these look foine, I?ll give yea a dollar a hundred, and take the lot; what say ye, mon?? Reynolds shook his head. ?I?ll give yez a dollar, and not a ha-pence more,? sung out the Irishman. Just at that moment a dog jumped up on one of the loads, and commenced eating one of the hams. ?I say, stranger,? cried out the would be buyer, ?the dog is aiting yer pork.? ?Let him eat,? said Reynolds, ?a man can?t be a Christian who will drive a dog away from pork that is worth only a dollar a hundred!? Mr. Reynolds effected a sale in a short time at $1.50 a hundred for light, and $1.75 for heavy hogs. The first hogs introduced were of the variety called ?land pikes.? They would live the year round in the woods, if permitted. It was rare sport in the fall to hunt and catch them with dogs, when after a few weeks feeding with corn the would b. in condition to drive to Galena. N. G. Rey­nolds, however, brought in some China pigs, and as early as 1839 Prophetstown and Portland had some very fine hogs, and laid the foundation of what is now the principal staple

The following is nearly a correct list of the old settlers of Prophetstown, With the year of their arrival: 1834, Asa Crook, John W. Stakes, John Bow­man, Reuben Ammidon, Edward Wright, Alfred Wood, John Champine; 1835, William Hill, Marvin Frary, J. Sperry Johnson, Nathaniel G. Reynolds, Alonzo Davis, Harry Smith, Charles Atkinson; 1836, Jeduthan Seely, Jr., Lewis Brown, Isaac Colin Southard, Stephen Crook, Thompson F. Clark, Edward S. Gage, Johnson G. Walker; 1837, Oliver Olmstead, Harmon Smith, Wm. B. McKenzie, Freeman J. Walker, Josiah Collins, Erastus G. Nichols, Jabea Warner, Ashley Booth, Calvin Williams, Alanson Stowell, David Underhill, Win. T. Minchin, David Woodward, Robert Smith; 1838, Henry Oljnstead, David Olmstead, Ethan Nichols, John Farnum, Nathaniel Browning, Frederick Dwight, Henry Walker, A. J. Mattson, Samuel Johnson, 0. W. Gage, Nathaniel Pomeroy; 1839, Elias C. Hutchinson, John S. Warner, Samuel Wilson, W. F. Van Norman, Alexander Thompson, William Thompson, Silas Martin, Johnson W. Gage, John F. Townlee, Luther B. Ramsay, Horace Annis. Stephen D. Smith, Sampson Ellithorpe. Among those who came after 1839, were Lawrence Wall in 1840, Henry S. Tuller, in 1842, and Nathan Thompson in 1843.

The first child born in what is now Prophetstown township, was Mary Ann Stakes, daughter of John W. Stakes, the birth occurring October 15, 1835.

The first wedding was that of Isaac Colin Southard and Miss Almira Hill, daughter of William Hill, in 1836, the ceremony being performed by a Methodist minister who was on his way to Galena.

The first deaths as near as can he ascertained, were those of Robert Smith and Stephen Crook, and occurred November 30, 1838. They were frozen while returning home from Dixon, an account of which will he found in this chapter.

A Postoffice was established at Asa Crook?s as early as 1836, and Asa Crook appointed Postmaster. This was the first Postoffice in Prophetstown, and was continued at Mr. Crook?s until 1839, when it was moved to Col. Seely?s. The mail was first carried by horse to and from Dixon ferry. N. G. Reynolds drew up the petition for the office, and upon its establishment gave it the name Prophetstown.

The first school in the township was taught in the fall of 1835 by Miss Lovica Hamilton, daughter of Deacon Adam R. Hamilton, of Lyndon. Tge school was held in a room in Asa Crook?s house.

The first school house was built by the Hills, and others, on Washington street, in 1836, but as it was a poor affair they determined in 1840 to erect another. This one was frame, and was the first one of the kind in the township. It was completed in December, 1840, and on the 11th of January, 1841, opened for school, Rufus Miner being the teacher. The school houses in the town are now equal to those of any township in the county, outside of the cities of Sterling, Morrison, and Fulton.

The first religious services in what is now the township of Prophetstown were held at the house of Asa Crook on Christmas Day, 1835, and were conducted by a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, who was on his way to establish some mission society, but losing the trail on the prairie came to Prophetstown for shelter. N. G. Reynolds, Norman B. Seely, and AlexanderSeely, and their families, had assembled at Mr. Crook?s for a holiday visit, and while they were there the minister came in, and true to his calling desired to hold a religious meeting, stating that if Methodist preaching would suit those assembled, he would commence the services. Mr. Reynolds replied that they had been used to hearing the gospel preached by Methodist ministers at the East, and he had no doubt all would be happy to hear a minister of that -denomination preach again. The agreement being made, Mr. P. B. Reynolds, then a boy, was sent out with a sleigh to gather in the families of William Harry Smith, and others, and when all had arrived, the minister proceeded with the services. It is doubtful if a more attentive congregation have ever assembled in the township of Prophetstown, The first minister who had regular preaching days came from Elkhorn Grove, and held his meetings on a week day. The first M. E. Society in Prophetstown was formed in the summer of 1836, at the house of Mr. N. G. Reynolds, and consisted of Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, Mrs. Harry Smith, and Mrs. N. G. Reynolds. It was formed at first as a mission society, and afterwards grew into the present M. E. Church and Society of Prophetstown.

The first traveled road was the old Dixon and Rock Island stage route, which is still the principal traveled road in the township.

In 1845, Col. B. Seely, Jabez Warner, and Luther B. Ramsay, purchased reapers of Cyrus H. McCormick, which were made at Cincinnati, Ohio, and had them shipped to Albany, where they arrived at the commencement of the wheat harvest. It was supposed they were the first reapers brought into Whiteside county, but J. T. Atkinson had purchased one of the same make, and had it shipped to him at Union Grove, in 1838, and used it that season. When Messrs. Seely, Warner and Ramsay got their reapers in Portland and Prophetstown, a strife arose between them as to who would cut the first round. Mr. Ramsay succeeded in getting in considerably ahead upon a piece of winter wheat belong­ing to P. Bates Reynolds, on Washington street, Prophetstown. The reaper was a very different affair from the one now in use, the sickle being perfectly straight, without sections. The driver rode the near horse, and the grain was raked off the machine by a man who walked at its side. The winter of 1842-?43 is known as the cold winter. Severe weather set in as early as November 16th, with a rain storm, and on the 17th it began to snow, the cold increasing very rapidly. On the morning of the 18th, Rock river was frozen over. The winter was cold all through, with the exception of a short thaw in January, the cold continuing through March. On the 23d of that month the thermometer indicated 23 degrees below zero. Rock river did not break up until the afternoon of the 9th of April. A brilliant comet was visible nearly all winter.

The season of 1844 was very wet, as were also those of 1851 and 1858. In 1865 a great deal of rain fell in August and September. The season of 1869 was also very wet from May 9th until July 25th, making the corn crop a failure. The year 1859 was remarkable as being extremely dry, and for there being a frost in every month. On the 4th of July there was a frost sufficient to kill the corn. The corn crop that year was a failure, and the other crops light. The year 1860 was the most fruitful one ever known in this section, all kinds of crops yielding largely, wheat averaging thirty bushels to the acre.

The settlement of Prophetstown, until 1847, had been almost entirely con­fined to Jackson and Washington streets, but that year Daniel Foy made a set­tlement at Leon Postoffice, east of Woodward?s bluff. Charles Puller next settled about a mile further east, and in 1849 George Joy opened his farm. Joseph Drain came in 1852, and settled where he now lives, setting out his ex­tensive orchard soon afterwards. In 1852 there was a large portion of the land in Tampico, Hahnaman, and that part of Prophetstown still unentered, but the Illinois Central Railroad was chartered about that time, and the next year the swamp lands were being selected, so that it was soon afterwards all taken up. The Chicago & Rock Island railroad was just finished, and railroad projects were being projected quite extensively. Among the charters was one for a road from Sheffield to Savanna, a subscription of $41,600 in its aid being obtained in Prophetstown alone, and as the project was encouraged by the Chicago & Rock Island Company, W. G. Wheaton, their engineer and surveyor, made a survey that year. This Company, however, decided soon after not to build any branch roads, and nothing further was done, excepting to collect the expense of sur­veying.

On the 11th of September, 1856, articles of incorporation under the general railroad law of 1849, were filed, for the building of the Cammanche, Albany & Mendota Railroad, and on the 30th of January following they were approved and legalized by act of the General Assembly of the State. A large cash subscription to the stock of the Company was obtained along the line of the road, nearly all the farmers and other property owners subscribing. It was supposed at the time that the stock would be a paying one, and that it would be above par in a short time. It is, therefore, no wonder that the people subscribed liberally, glib talkers being employed to circulate the subscription papers, to show how handsomely the investment would pay. About the same time a road was chartered called the Terre Haute, Joliet & Mendota Railroad. These projected roads were soon after consolidated under the title of the Illinois Grand Trunk Railway. As the amount subscribed along the line of the road, although liberal, was found insufficient to construct it, the committee started out again, and as in inducement for the increase of the subscription proposed that the stock could be paid in five years time by securing with mortgages on the real estate of the subscribers. Nearly all accepted the proposition, and doubled their subscriptions, feeling assured that with the completion of the road their lands would be double in value, and that the stock could not fail of being at par. About $270,000 was subscribed in all, the route located and contract let, the contractors taking their pay in mortgage bonds. The grading was commenced in 1858 and continued through 1859, and finished a good portion of the way. In the fall of 1859 the coupons became due, and as they were not generally paid, suits were commenced before a Justice of the Peace to enforce payment. These suits were appealed to the Circuit Court, and judgment obtained. A test case was taken to the Supreme Court of the State, where the judgment below was affirmed. As all the work on the road had been suspended, the people were indignant, realizing that they had mortgaged their homes, and received nothing in return. They even resorted to violent means to right themselves, and an attempt was made by some of the best men among them to forcibly get possession of their notes and mortgages. The attempt failed, fortunately for all parties, and a compromise was effected by which the matter was settled for about seventy cents on the dollar. The war of the Rebellion broke out, and no attempt was made to revive the road until after the passage of the act of 1869 authorizing towns and counties to issue bonds in aid of railroads. The towns along the line of the road were canvassed, and in 1870 A. J. Mattson made preliminary agreement with James F. Joy, President of the Michigan Central, and Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroads, that if the towns along the line would grade and tie the road and give right of way for the road, and depot grounds, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Company would complete and operate it. This agreement was subsequently modified by the Company taking the bonds of the towns for $200,000 and doing all the work. It required, however, a cash subscription of $40,000 to purchase the old franchise, and for incidental expenses, which was obtained, and the building of the road immediately commenced, and on the 8th day of Mare 1871, the first train of cars entered the village of Prophetstown. The next year it was continued to the Mississippi river near Fulton, where it was expected it well cross on the bridge used by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, but the latter obtained a permanent injunction forbidding them, and the end of that branch the line remains on the east side of the river. Thus after nearly twenty years struggle, the people along the route having twice taxed themselves to their utmost ability, a railroad has been constructed through the town, and notwithstanding it has been from the first the cause of a great deal of personal feeling, and the further fact that the resources of the people will be severely taxed for a few years to fully pay for it, yet all feel now that the town could not dispense with it. Since its completion the village of Prophetstown has more than doubled in population.

The following have been the Supervisors, Town Clerks, Assessors, Collec­tors, and Justices of the Peace, of the township of Prophetstown, from its organization in 1852, up to and including 1877.

Supervisors:-1852-?58, Obadiah W. Gage; 1859, Mark R. Averill; 1860 -?61, H. S. Cabot; 1862, Mark R. Averill; 1863 - ?68, Andrew J. Tuller; 1869- ?75, Leander W. Lewis; 1876-?77, Phineas Bates Reynolds.

Town Clerks:-1852-?56, Wm. R. Cox; 1857-?59, Andrew J. Tuller; 1860- ?61, George R. Shaw; 1862, William T. Minchin; 1863, Ed. R. Conner; 1864- ?77, Silas Sears.

Assessors:-1852-?61, Johnson W. Gage; 1862, Thomas Green; 1863-?64, A. J. Warner; 1865, George P. Richmond; 1866-?71, Johnson W. Gage; 1872- ?73, Chauncey Paddock; 1874-?77, Johnson W. Gage.

Collectors:-1852, Ryland H. Smith; 1853, Ethan Nichols; 1854, David H. Nichols; 1855, Paul Newton; 1856-?59, Ethan Nichols; 1860, Stephen L. Con­ner; 1861, Andrew J. Tuller; 1862-?63, John C. Paddock; 1864, Linus C. Rey­nolds; 1865, A. H. Brace; 1866, William Hamilton; 1867, A. H. Brace; 1868, Stephen L. Conner; 1869, Joseph E. Case; 1870, Stephen L. Conner; 1871-?72, Henry Hurd; 1873-?74, Edward S. Bentley; 1875-?77, Theodore Clark.

Justice of the Peace:-1854, Paul Newton, George W. Ford; 1855, Ira C. Bardwell; 1857, Edward B. Warner; 1858, Paul Newton, Joseph Drain; 1860, A. J. Warner, O. D. Richards; 1864, R. J. Dickinson, O. D. Richards; 1865, Samuel J. Ackley; 1868, Paul Newton, Alex. Stuart; 1869, J. B. Gates; 1870, R. I. Dickinson; 1872, P. K. Marfleet, S. J. Ackley; 1873, P. K. Marfleet, R.I. Dickinson; 1877, P. K. Marlfeet, John W. Olmstead.

At a special town meeting held August 21, 1869, it was voted to issue township bonds to the amount of $40,000, in aid of the Mendota and Prophetstown branch of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. The vote stood 173 for, to 109 against, the issue.

Considerable cheese has been manufactured in the township for the past fifteen years, by Luther B. Ramsay, Porter W. Spencer, and William McBeth, and a market has generally been found in the neighboring cities, and but little has been shipped, so far, to distant points by railroad. The cheese is of excel­lent quality, and the manufacturers could find a market for it anywhere. The principal articles of export of the township are grain, hogs, cattle, and butter.

Prophetstown township contains 28,486 acres of improved land, and 1,705 acres of unimproved land. The Assessor?s books for 1877 show that the num­ber of horses in the township in that year, was 924; number of cattle, 2,423; mules and asses, 11; sheep, 2,019; hogs, 3,094; carriages and wagons, 337; watches and clocks, 265; sewing and knitting machines, 160; pianofortes, 23; melodeons and organs, 33. Total assessed value of lands, lots, and personal property $654,574.. Value of railroad property, $25,022. Total assessed value of all property in 1877, $679,596.

The population of the township of Prophetstown in 1870, outside of the Village, as shown by the Federal census of that year, was 998, of which 890 were of native birth, and 108 of foreign birth. The population of the township in 1860, including the village, was 1,144. The estimated population of the town­ship in 1877, excluding the village, is 1,100.

To the Family Card for Nathaniel Gardner Reynolds and Phoebe Bates Brace
To my Reynolds Family Home Card
To the Navigation Room
